Do You Have Kids or Teens on Social Media?
“With over 95% of Teens on Social Media, Over 1 Million Affected by Cyber Bullying and CyberStalking on FB Alone, and Only 7% of Parents Aware of the Issues – We Have an Epidemic Waiting to Happen.”
Get a Free Guide to Help You Know More
Are your kids online especially on their phones?
Have you seen a change in your child’s behavior in school or while on the internet?
Has your child ever gotten visibly upset by something online, and if questioned said it was nothing, or leave them alone?
Grab Free Guide
Do you ever wonder if your child’s data is exposed and vulnerable?
If you have ever wondered or witnessed any of these, you are not alone.
The Internet is one of the most dangerous places in the world for your children to roam freely and unprotected.
In fact, in many situations, your child may actually be safer roaming around on the street than the Internet.
That may sound crazy bit it’s 100% true because there are a lot of bad people just waiting for a young and naive victim.
You’ve seen the TV shows where they catch a bunch of weirdoes trying to meet up with underage boys and girls.
What would you do if some sicko tried to meet up with your children while you weren’t around?
That’s why you need to be educated with the necessary information to protect your children, yourself and your family as a whole.
My name is Tracy Repchuk, I’m a 7 Time #1 bestselling author and Founder of
As a mom of 3 active online teens, and as someone who has a 32 year history as an entrepreneur in the technology field, what I am seeing is Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, harmful pictures and private information on the rise.
Kids spend the majority of their time on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr Vine, and this leaves a big gap for 2 MAJOR PROBLEMS.
The first is teens are unaware of some of the consequences of what they are posting and doing, and the second is only 7% of parents due to the age gap are concerned or aware of the effects.
This is why I created this guide and the SAFE formula to help you navigate the landscape of social media.

You’ll Discover….
- How you can detect if problems are occurring with your kids
- Two tips to monitor what your kids are doing
- What privacy settings you need to know
- The SAFE acronym that will help you right now
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Created by InnerSurf Online Solutions